Mã OTP là gì? Lấy mã OTP như thế nào?

Certainly! Let's break down the given bash command:


cat config.yaml | awk NF


1. `cat config.yaml`: This part of the command uses the `cat` command to concatenate and display the contents of the file named `config.yaml`. The `cat` command is commonly used to display the contents of files.

2. `|`: This symbol is a pipe, and it is used to pass the output of the `cat` command (i.e., the contents of `config.yaml`) as input to the next command.

3. `awk NF`: This part of the command uses the `awk` command with the condition `NF`. `awk` is a powerful text processing tool in Unix and Linux. `NF` stands for "Number of Fields," and it is a built-in variable in `awk` that represents the number of fields (columns or words) in a line.

Putting it all together, the command reads the contents of the `config.yaml` file and then uses `awk` to filter and display only those lines that have non-zero fields. In other words, it removes any empty lines from the output of `cat config.yaml`. This can be useful for cleaning up the file and displaying only lines that contain information.

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